We’ve included a set of Web Accelerator Instruments in the Website Control Panel that can help you incredibly easily enhance the overall performance of your sites. You will not need to enhance anything at all in the program code or make special adjustments that demand specialized knowledge from you. In the Website Control Panel, just decide on the application you need to use – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js and make an instance for it. It is all finished with a click. By speeding up your sites, you will not only prevent your visitors from having to hold but also will make your website rank higher in search results.
You can find the Web Accelerator Instruments inside the Advanced Instruments part of the Website Control Panel.
RAM–memorizing as a substitute for data base queries
The Memcached system is fantastic for improving web site loading speeds by storing the data–base info that is requested by your visitors. It is a dynamic distributed memory object caching system, allowing for information and objects to be cached in the RAM as opposed to getting querried when a person opens a webpage.
This system is perfect for your database–driven sites or web apps where your users dedicate a lot of time surfing and checking out content. Memcached can be found in the advanced instruments section of the Website Control Panel.
RAM–memorizing as a substitute for HTTP calls
For those of you who have content–heavy busy sites with loads of visuals and also video clips, you will most certainly need to ensure that your web pages load quickly for the visitors. An effective tool you can employ is the Varnish HTTP acceleration solution that can help you speed up your websites without requesting you to have any special tech competencies.
Varnish saves all demands towards the web server inside the server’s memory and delivers the pages fast to the customer by preventing new queries towards the server. This way, the web pages on your site will be streamed 300 – 1000x times more quickly to your site visitors. You can even select whether the inbound requests will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the server, etc.
For the purpose of creating quick and adaptable web apps
Web programmers can use Node.js for the purpose of constructing all kinds of high–quality and cost–efficient solutions such as enterprise analytics, live web applications and website CMS, just to mention a few. It’s truly turbo fast and scalable and is powered by an enthusiastic community that is constantly enhancing and sustaining it.
Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and utilizes an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes the API flexible and extensible. This particular progressive method enables programmers to rapidly create high performance web applications using only a single language.